Fajita is a term found in Mexican cuisine and Tex-Mex and it's meaning is basically grilled meat served on a tortilla. Is quite a fun dish as traditionally it is all put out on a table and the person makes up their own fajitas with there own personal choice of fillings and quantity. Me I like mine with mostly meat, peppers, onions, salsa and a little guacamole, cheese and sour cream so that i can roll it up neatly. Carola she generally has huge quantities of everything in her fajitas so that it can't be rolled up and stay together, very messy but the main thing is we both thoroughly enjoyed them.
These steak fajitas serve 2 very hungry humans
- A Griddle pan or frying pan
- Chopping board
- mixing bowl
- sharp knife
- 2 Sirloin or Rump steaks
- 1 Red Green Pepper de seeded and sliced into strips
- 1 Yellow pepper de seeded and sliced into strips
- 1 Large onion peeled and sliced into rings
- 2 tbsp of olive oil
- 2 tbsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- 2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- zest of lime
- juice of 1 lime
- pinch of sugar
- 6 medium white flour medium sized tortillas
- Grated Cheddar cheese
- Sour cream 200ml
- Guacamole 200ml (see our recipe http://www.merrychefs.com/?p=193 )
- Salsa 200ml (see our recipe http://www.merrychefs.com/?p=184)
- shredded Lettuce 1 cup
- 1. In a mixing bowl add the oregano, cayenne pepper, ground cumin, salt, pepper, lime zest, lime juice and sugar. Stir well and set aside
- 2. Cut the steak into fairly thin strips.
- 3. Add the steak to the seasoning in the mixing bowl and with your hands mix in well
- 4. cover and put in the refrigerator for an hour or 2
- 5. Heat the oil in the griddle pan on a high heat
- 6. Add the steak strips and cook them for 1 min so they are slightly charred then turn them over.
- 7. Add the peppers and onions on top of the steak strips and leave for 1 min
- 8. Heat the tortillas in warm oven or microwave for 20 seconds
- 9. Stir the ingredients a few times for 2-3 mins until slightly charred and cooked
- 10. For each fajita add some beef, peppers, onions
- Steak fajitas spread
Steak Fajitas Done!!!
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